To be completely honest, I've been eagerly anticipating posting these photos for a while. I can't entirely explain why I waited this long, but I have a habit of sort of hoarding photos. It isn't that I want to keep them for myself, it's more that I'm just not very good about sharing sometimes. I love all of these photos so much though, that I have to share them all. Not only did I want to share them all, but I think they deserved to be shared together... And I don't blog enough. Really, I don't take enough pictures anymore. I need to fix that, and fast. I don't go on enough walks, instead I run. I need more creativity in my life, and these photos are a reminder to myself of this fact.
Sorry there's no humor in this post. I almost always try to keep it light and toss in a few jokes here and there (even if I'm maybe the only one who finds me funny sometimes). For some reason I just started writing tonight and this is where it went. And I'm OK with that; as long as I keep my promise to myself to start shooting more photos.