Harriet in Seattle

  • Wednesday, April 30, 2014
  • Jeremy Jewell
  • Last July I spent my Birthday weekend in Seattle visiting my best friend Scott. Here are a few shots from around his apartment, including his dog Harriet. I turned it into a nice long weekend trip, thanks to the 4th of July being a holiday. I'm trying to figure out where to go this year, so if you have any suggestions, let me know!



    10,000 of these

  • Monday, April 28, 2014
  • Jeremy Jewell
  • One of the cooler, low key things we did in Minneapolis was a little excursion to one of Minnesota's 10,000 lakes. This lake (I don't know what lake it is, or where it was exactly) is just sort of in the middle of town, near businesses, offices, etc. People can just come out at lunch and take a really nice stroll around, or in the evenings people can come out for the same. They also had mini golf, and maybe some paddle boats too. Just a nice little getaway in town. Enjoy these pictures, like I enjoyed wandering around.

    After the lake I'll finish up my Minneapolis trip with a couple final shots I took while we were waiting for the train to take us to the airport. I can't tell you how nice it is was be able to just take a train to the airport.





    More Minneapolis

  • Friday, April 25, 2014
  • Jeremy Jewell
  • It's been a while since I've gotten around to editing and posting any photos, so we're still on a timeline way back in June of last year, and my trip to Minneapolis. There is this bar downtown, Brit's Pub and Eating Establishment, where on the roof, they have lawn bowling. One morning after a late brunch at Hell's Kitchen we dropped in to give it a try. It was early in the day, so we were able to get a 'lane' as it were, right away and get to playing pretty quickly. It was a TON of fun. Shoes off, icy cold beverage in hand, we bowled from side to side for maybe an hour. We laid down a few friendly wagers, and I ended up having to buy everyone a Lego Minifig at the Mall of America later (don't ask..).

    My takeaway from this trip continues to be that Kansas City needs to learn to be more like Minneapolis.

    I have another post in the chamber from Minneapolis. Just need to get another picture or two ready first, so expect it soon!
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