I thought about holding on to this photograph and posting it on either the Fourth of July or Memorial Day, but those are both too far away, and I don’t want to hold back any content. Uncle Sam has been sitting on our front porch every summer since I was in High School. He has seen better days, but is still looking pretty good. He used to have an American Flag in his hand, but that’s gone, and although you can’t see it in this photograph, he has an accompanying firecracker the size of his head. I actually took this when I was at home this last Fourth of July, but by the time I got it on my computer and processed, the holiday was well over. I knew I wouldn’t be able to share it on that Fourth of July, and what’s wrong with a little patriotism in the beginning of October?
I took this picture at this angle to symbolize the proverbial Uncle Sam’s power over all of us, and his imposing size in America today… No, just kidding; none of that is true. I took it at this angle, because in my head, this is what I saw. That and I thought it looked cool. The outcome is pretty much exactly what I was going for.

You are getting really good at catching those dynamic skies!
October 4, 2009 at 9:32 AMPost a Comment