Back in Kansas City

  • Tuesday, January 12, 2010
  • Jeremy Jewell
  • No, I’m not back in Kansas City, but I am starting to miss the place.  I took this the last full weekend I lived there.  I had actually gone to that area to take a specific picture I had in mind, but that didn’t turn out well because I didn’t like how it looked with the cloudy sky.  I did like this one though, and a few others from that day.  For those of you not from the area, that is downtown Kansas City’s skyline, with the back lawn of the Liberty Memorial in the foreground.

    I’ve been steering away from the HDR photos recently, but I took this one at the beginning of my journey towards primarily single shot photos.  There is something about a cloudy sky though that makes an HDR work very well.  As long as it’s not overdone, I think it’s alright.  This is a 5 shot HDR.  I strengthened some of the more subtle colors in the sky during post-processing, and of course combined the 5 images for the original HDR.

    I've got a number of pictures I really like lined up for you all, and many more just waiting for post-processing.  I'm also out and about in southern California pretty much every weekend shooting, so stay tuned for a lot of posts in 2010!

    Downtown Sky
    Exif information
    Model Canon EOS 20D
    Original date 2009:10:10 14:26
    Exposure time 1/100 sec
    F-Stop 10mm
    Focal number f/16
    ISO speed ISO-100
    Exposure 5 Photo HDR


    1. Matthew L. Wells said...
    2. So why is it that you have begun to steer away from HDR and going more towards single shot photography?

      January 12, 2010 at 9:05 AM
    3. Jeremy Jewell said...
    4. I felt like I was sort of using it as a crutch. If I didn't get a single exposure to look good (i.e., I messed up the exposure and it's too dark or something), no big deal, because I could just do an HDR and everything would look good.

      I like the way HDR's look in certain situations, but I think generally a single exposure photograph looks better, and possibly takes more skill to make look like art.

      January 12, 2010 at 2:08 PM

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