A few weeks ago I told you the virtues of looking up every once in a while. Today, we’re going to talk about looking down. Now, like looking up, you need to be careful not to run into anyone as it could result in a most uncomfortable situation. Looking down isn’t quite as exciting as looking up, unless you’re somewhere like the Grand Canyon or the Hoover Dam, where looking down is expected. I like to look down as I’m descending a staircase; I find that watching where I step has led to a much safer trip down. Looking down can be especially good if you’re wearing a particularly fine pair of shoes and want to remind yourself of that fact; this is something I do often these days. Other situations where looking down can be fun are if you’re on a diving board, standing in the ocean, or maybe looking at a lost feather, or even your reflection in a pond! So many possibilities!
In other news, I hope everyone is having a good week. I’ve been busy this week and haven’t been doing much in the way of photos, but things should pick up. I have some rolls to scan, hopefully this weekend, and I have two rolls almost finished so maybe I can kill those this weekend and have them developed. We’ll see.

I find myself looking down a lot, probably more than I look up (which is weird, I guess). I'm not as tempted to look at my own feet, though...I think they're kinda strange looking!
June 30, 2011 at 10:08 AMPost a Comment