They sat us in this outdoor/indoor patio area. It was outdoors, but it was enclosed and had big heaters overhead. I got a picture of one of them. I’ve never been in a tanning bed, but I’m pretty sure I know what it feels like now, because this thing was really beating down on me. It was cold outside, but toasty in there.
I don’t really have much else to say about this trip to the Hideaway. It was good, and the food was good. I had planned on shooting nothing but my Hassy on Thanksgiving, so I decided to give my old friend the 20D some work that night. It’s a good camera; just an all-around good camera. Sure, it doesn’t have all the things a 5D Mark II has, but I don’t need all of that (although I would like to play around with a dSLR with full video capabilities). Anyway, enjoy these digital pictures.

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