I'm fascinated with all things nautical; I really should make a career of it somehow. I love learning about all the different kinds of ships out there. From your freighters and tankers to mega-luxury cruise ships, I want to know all about them. I sort of wished that I was awake and out of my room each morning when I awoke to see us in port already so I could see us docking. I did get to see some workers pulling up the mooring lines one afternoon as we returned to the ship much closer to our departure time. Even though I didn't get to see all the workings of the ship, I did manage to take a few pictures of the moorings and whatnot. I thought the lines made for nice pictures!
Some of these lines were so huge I can't imagine it was easy to even move them!
Unfortunately I didn't get a picture, but there were a couple ports where the front was moored to a concrete pillar out away from the dock. I thought that was pretty cool too.
I liked this graffiti because I just imagined the taggers rowing up in a rowboat or kayak and tagging the pier.