Maybe I'll start updating this again. I really like the way it looks, and I like being able to do a little more writing than on Flickr, but damn it, posting to Flickr and Flickr alone is so much easier. But to be honest, I'm barely doing that right now. Does anyone even visit this site? Sure I link to it on Flickr when I have a post, but I'm not sure how many people follow it. I guess that shouldn't matter though. I should post here for me, and if anyone reads it then it's a bonus. That's how it used to be; I'd do up a post because I wanted to, and I didn't really care if anyone saw it or not.
I'm not really sure what I'm doing right now. My life might be a little messed up at the moment, I'm not sure. I'm doing a lot of working, and a lot of running, and not as much photography. I made myself a deal, because I want a Fujifilm X-e1. If I shoot X rolls of film by the end of the year I could treat myself if I was shooting with any consistency. I think X was 10, but damn it, I can't remember!
Anyway, here are a few pictures I took a while back on film. I'm calling it Lomography 800, but the film doesn't say (which leads me to Lomo) and I can't remember.
These photos are beautiful Jeremy. Keep on posting! My favourite is the second one for the bonus light leak
August 15, 2013 at 12:59 PMThanks bud, it always helps to get some positive feedback!
August 15, 2013 at 1:11 PMI tried following your blogspot but don't know how to?
August 15, 2013 at 1:13 PMHmmm, I'm not sure either :/
August 15, 2013 at 1:47 PMI'll post a link on Flickr anytime I update this though!
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