pictures from today

  • Tuesday, October 12, 2010
  • Jeremy Jewell
  • Today I did a lot of moving. Walking, hiking, running; I did it all. The hiking lasted the longest, and most of it was in tall grass. Some of it was in trees that were way too close together. I decided that in areas where people have to walk, trees aren’t allowed to be that close together. I figure I need to talk to the US Forestry Service about that most likely. These trees, bushes, brush, and streams made me pretty angry at times. Like the time I jumped over a stream successfully… until the mud I landed on slid into the stream… with my foot on it. D’oh! Stupid mud. All in all it really wasn’t bad. It was definitely better than being in the office, and I probably burned a ton of calories. I also got to swear at nature for a few hours; it totally deserved it. When I wasn’t busy giving nature the what for, I managed to take a few pictures.


    puddle reflection


    kansas grass


  • Monday, October 11, 2010
  • Jeremy Jewell
  • Traveling and staying in hotels is nice sometimes because it gives me an evening to sit around and write... if I'm not too tired from the day. Luckily tonight I'm tired, but not too tired. I've been thinking about tennis lately. Tennis is a great sport. I love playing it and I love watching it. I started playing tennis when I was pretty young, but then stopped and didn’t pick it up again until I was in college. These days I generally play until I’m physically too tired to continue; I can’t get enough. It’s a good lifelong sport too; something you can play for your whole life. I wish I played more often than I do right now. I need to work on that. I also need to work on being better at tennis. Anyway, here are some tennis related pictures I’ve taken over the years.

    Oh but first, how about a little pro tennis? Who's your favorite? Rafa is clearly mine. One year I listened to the French Open on the radio at work. It was a lot more entertaining than you'd think, because there were these two guys commentating, Eli Weinstein and Araz Gulekjian. These guys were a couple of the most entertaining color commentator guys I've ever heard. Unfortunately they're not on Roland Garros radio anymore, so it's not worth listening next time around. Anyway, they took a lot of letters from listeners, and the one that has always stuck out in my head was someone comparing Rafael Nadal to Roger Federer. Now this writer was a Federer fan, and was writing to explain why Federer was better. He explained that in his mind Federer was far more graceful; a maestro on the court. He proceeded to characterize Rafa as far less refined; "a fist pumping farmer" were his exact words. This was back in the good old days of Rafa. The days of him wearing capri pants and tank tops. Classic Rafa. I think he needs to go back to that wardrobe.

    Oh and did you see this? Pro Robby Ginepri will miss the rest of the season due to a squirrel attack. He was riding his bike and swerved to avoid running one over and fell and broke his elbow. I've never been attacked by a squirrel, but strangely know a few people who have; one of whom has been attacked multiple times. Pffft, squirrels.

    Ok enough of that, here's this:



    (holy crap, I took that one in 2005!)

    (film! and california!!)

    tennis flare

    3 things wrong with this dock

  • Tuesday, October 5, 2010
  • Jeremy Jewell
  • I don’t really know why this dock is here. Well, that’s not entirely true; it’s clearly for boats to tie up to, but when you really examine this dock you have to wonder what it’s doing.

    First of all, it was amazingly hard to get to the dock from the road and cabin area. Someone had cut down a tree, and was in the process of very slowly burning it, so perhaps normally there is a path down. But as it was, you had to climb around this tree, down some serious rocks, and through shin deep ash. That’s the first problem of many.

    The second problem is that there is no protection for the boats tied to it. They’re just sitting there in the open water, getting slammed by wakes. It would be far more effective if it had a slip, or was configured differently to offer protection.
    Although this next problem is not normally a problem, right now it is. The water is unusually low because of dam maintenance, so even driving to this dock is probably somewhat dangerous in anything but a WaveRunner.

    Other than this dock being questionably placed, everything about the cabin at Toronto lake was great!

    Have a good day. See you tomorrow.


    (I already posted this one, but this is the "path" down to the dock)

    welcome home(?)

  • Monday, October 4, 2010
  • Jeremy Jewell
  • So I've done a terrible job of blogging lately. I've been really busy, what with traveling all over the place. First I went to Alaska for vacation. Then when I got back I spent a day in town before going to Oklahoma for work. When I got back from there, I spent two days in town, and then went to the Chicago area. I was supposed to stay there for 7-10 days, but we wrapped up the portion of the project I was working on early, so I got to come home early. I wouldn't have minded staying longer, because it was reasonably easy work and I was getting a pretty good amount of overtime, but it was nice to get home early because I was missing my girlfriend. Oh yeah, and I have a girlfriend now. So that's nice. Anyway, I wanted to give a little update, and let you know I was still alive. I’m going to make a good effort to blog more often; maybe some random thoughts and whatnot? Now please to enjoy these photographs.







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