I don’t really know why this dock is here. Well, that’s not entirely true; it’s clearly for boats to tie up to, but when you really examine this dock you have to wonder what it’s doing.
First of all, it was amazingly hard to get to the dock from the road and cabin area. Someone had cut down a tree, and was in the process of very slowly burning it, so perhaps normally there is a path down. But as it was, you had to climb around this tree, down some serious rocks, and through shin deep ash. That’s the first problem of many.
The second problem is that there is no protection for the boats tied to it. They’re just sitting there in the open water, getting slammed by wakes. It would be far more effective if it had a slip, or was configured differently to offer protection.
Although this next problem is not normally a problem, right now it is. The water is unusually low because of dam maintenance, so even driving to this dock is probably somewhat dangerous in anything but a WaveRunner.
Other than this dock being questionably placed, everything about the cabin at Toronto lake was great!
Have a good day. See you tomorrow.

(I already posted this one, but this is the "path" down to the dock)