Let me tell you a little something about myself. I listen to a lot of podcasts. Some are just funny and entertaining, like
The Grapes of Rad,
TBTL, and
Jordan Jesse, GO!, but some are informational and provide a good learning opportunity. Lately I've been doing a lot of driving to Oklahoma for work, so I've had a lot of time to listen in the truck. One of the best informational podcasts is Radio Lab, produced by WNYC. It's entertaining and funny, while still being very informative. I listened to a particularly good one a couple days ago about a very sneaky orangutan. I don't want to give away the good stuff, but this episode was particularly entertaining; everything from the actual story, to Jerry, the head zoo keeper they interviewed. My favorite quotes from him were when he called Fu Manchu (the star of this story) an "ol' boy" and when he described one of Fu's female friends as "a big, heavyset girl." It's a good episode and it's a "short" which isn't a full episode. If you have 12 minutes to spare, give it a listen; it's a pretty good story.
Check out this episode here:
Fu ManchuAnd now for my orangutan! He didn't pull anything like Fu did, but he seems to have an attitude towards people. The guy was just laying there giving me the finger! How rude is that? Although we've got him locked up in this cage, so that's kind of rude too. I'd probably give people the finger too if they came by and stared at me all day and I couldn't go outside because it was cold. I've always liked great apes, chimps in particular. Orangutan's are pretty great too though. Especially Fu Manchu, and this guy. Just look at those eyes!

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