I’m in a writing mood today so I’m going to take advantage and share a few pictures I’ve been meaning to share for a while. I like looking up. Sometimes it hurts, like if you look up and into the sun. But sometimes it’s nice. You see a new angle on things. Things like light poles, palm trees, and well, other light poles. Just be careful not to walk and look up at the same time; you might run into something. And if that something is a someone you might be in for a lot more than you bargained for. Sometimes getting more than you bargained for is a good, like if you get a buy one get one free deal. In this case though, more than you bargained for is no good. It’d be like getting a buy one get one free, if what you were buying was a punch in the face. But of course, who’s going to just go off and punch someone who accidentally ran into them? A maladjusted person, that’s who. Are there a lot of maladjusted people out there just standing around? No, there probably aren’t. So just look up!

Whoa, dude, these are awesome!!! Haha, funny post, too. The second and third one are great, and I really like the really slight double exposure thing in the last one. Nice stuff!
May 9, 2011 at 10:14 PMThanks Jesse, glad you enjoyed the post!!
May 10, 2011 at 7:16 AMPost a Comment