I tried to make a blog post last week; I really did. But between the time I started typing and when I tried to save the post, apparently blogspot went down. I should probably go back to writing my posts in Word, and copying them over to here, because I lost everything. I had even typed up a funny little story about a whiny, crying, singing kid my brother and I saw in Wal-Mart when we were younger. The kid was being a little punk because his grandmother wouldn't buy him a toy, but still had a song in his heart. It was funny.
Anyway, to try to salvage my original post, I'll see if I can recall what I was talking about. Something about being glad it was warmer, and that it was almost summer. I'm ready for summer and all that it brings. Cookouts, clotheslines, and baseball watching (specifically the NBC World Series) to name a few.

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