Proof that Puerto Rico is indeed part of the United States!

Want to initiate a siege against Puerto Rico? This might be a good place to start.

See? A great view of a capital looking building. I wouldn't do it though, because as I established, Puerto Rico is part of the US.

There were lots of dark corridors all over the place. Maybe you could blindly shoot some arrows out of this? I don't think that's a great idea though.

This might be a better place to shoot an arrow.. or a gun since that's a more effective weapon in modern times.

There's a pretty good view of the ocean, I promise.

I'd wager that this is the only kind of shooting that goes on in this fortress anymore. It's a good kind of shooting for sure.

They do have a little heavier artillery, although it's all cemented together.

On the inside of the fortress there were all sorts of buildings and barracks.

This one held cots and some pretty sharp looking military uniforms.

There was religious shrine in there too.

I hope you've enjoyed this fairly odd tour. ¡Adios! (They speak Spanish there, you see)