What does this say? I don't know. What does it mean? I don't know that either. What I do know is that I thought it looked cool; especially from this perspective.
I got to thinking about what it might say and I've got a couple of theories. My first theory is that it says EAT EN, and that's assuming this is supposed to be English. Perhaps the person who wrote this wanted to write 'EATEN' but ran out of room so had to extend his word to a second line.
My second theory is that it isn't English at all, but was intended to profess a favorable opinion of one's favorite fraternity and sorority. Now I don't speak Greek, but it is my understanding that the letters EAT and EN or the symbols E-Triangle-T and E-N translate into Sigma Delta Tau and Sigma Nu. This reminds me of my encounters with the EAT sorority while I was at the University of Kansas (which were limited to me simply observing them on campus). This EAT sorority was most unfortunately named, as every girl I saw wearing an EAT shirt was of the overweight variety. Hilariously unfortunate.
Any other ideas?

My first thoughts were that is was greek letters because those really do look like it. Just asked my engineering roommate if they had any kind of Scientific meaning. It does not. We just looked it up and Sig-Nu is a military fraternity. That's my bet. Maybe it was for initiation.
August 29, 2009 at 4:57 PMOr my favourite theory is that it is actually some graffiti artists dying message saying he was eaten by something there.
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