This photograph, I did not take last night. No, this photograph I took on my recent excursion to Africa. No, that's a lie; I took this a few years ago while in Africa. No, that's also a lie. In reality I took this in the Africa section of the Kansas City Zoo. I went there a few weeks ago with some friends. I had never been to the Kansas City Zoo before that day, and although it was a pretty muggy day, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've been to many a zoo in my day, but this one was definitely the most recent. Seriously though, this zoo is pretty big; everything is very spread out, which means the animals have a lot of room to roam freely. I didn't even see all of the zoo; we walked around Africa mostly, which has an abundance of interesting animals. I definitely plan to go back though. I have a number of other pictures from that day that I'll share later, but this one is of a Slender-Snouted Crocodile.
Upon researching what this thing is (I couldn't remember, aside from assuming it was some sort of crocodile), I found out that this guy's name is either Frank or Jesse. Upon further research I learned that the Slender-Snouted Crocodile may not be a crocodile at all. Recent DNA tests have indicated that the Crocodylus cataphractus (that is its scientific name) has less in common with the crocidile than was previously though, and it has been suggested its name be changed to Mecistops cataphractus! I mean come on! Although the jury is still out on science, one thing is for sure: like the alligator, these Slender-Snouted Crocodiles are so aggressive 'cause they got all them teeth but no toothbrush.

You kidding me? You can practically see his medula oblongota. Great photo.
August 7, 2009 at 8:06 AMPost a Comment