You know what I haven't done yet? Posted any pictures from Alaska on here. Well, I posted a few, but not many. I've been really slow about uploading all my Alaska pictures to Flickr. I think I've gotten most of my film pictures uploaded, but almost none of my digital ones. Of course, I like film better in general, so that's why I've done more of them. Lately I've been really pushing to get all my Alaska pictures up but there are a lot of them and I don't like uploading a ton at a time to Flickr. So that's why it's taking so long. Here are some I took with my Hasselblad from all around Alaska. From Denali all the way down to Resurrection Bay in Seward. It was a whirlwind trip but I had a ton of fun.

Stunning set. I love all of them so it is hard to choose a favourite one. I think the 4 th is particularly beautiful
August 15, 2013 at 1:12 PMPost a Comment